Created by Drs. John and Julie Gottman in collaboration with The Gottman Institute, this online assessment looks at a couple's strengths and challenges in their relationships. The Gottman Relationship Checkup Assessment looks at various areas and is made up of five sections regarding friendship, intimacy, conflict, shared values and goals, and other areas that may be of concern. This confidential assessment is fully HIPAA compliant and provides your clinician an efficient way to complete the evaluation process. By completing this assessment, valuable information is provided by pinpointing specific strengths and challenges. From the results, a personalised treatment plan is formed with the therapist that suggests in-depth, research-based recommendations for therapy.
This confidential, online assessment was designed as a tool only for use by clinician in a professional setting with couples.
How It Works
Signing up: After you meet with our psychologist for the first time, we can send you an email inviting you to sign up to the Gottman Relationship Checkup Assessment. There is a cost of USD$29 to apply for this online assessment and a paying partner must be indicated. In order to maintain confidentiality, separate, individual emails must be provided for each partner.
1. Accept your invitation You will receive an email inviting you to The Gottman Relationship Checkup. If you do not receive an email invitation within a week, please check your spam/junk mail or contact our office to confirm the correct contact information has been submitted. The partner covering the costs of the assessment must cover the costs before the other partner is able to receive an invitation.
2. Create a private profile Before the couple can start the assessment, each partner must create a personal profile that requires them to have a unique login and password. Neither partner can access the other’s information at any time, and we encourage that they not share their information with each other.
3. Complete the questionnaire Because this assessment is accessible online, you and your partner will be able to complete it at your own convenience. It can take approximately two hours to complete and does not have to be finished in one sitting. We encourage couples not to share their information with each other.
4. Get your results Once both individuals have completed their questionnaires, an appointment can be set up with your therapist to discuss the results and suggest a personalised plan for improving and strengthening your relationship. This meeting is typically done in the third session after both partners have completed their oral history/individual interviews.
We will have copies of the following documents for you at our office. However, these have been provided for your convenience. While filling out the Contact Form, please write legibly in order to ensure timely receipt of your invitation. Once both partners have completed their questionnaires, please contact our office to set up your next appointments.